Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Tool #6

I am learning so much from doing 11 Tools.  It is really amazing to see all the cool things we can do in the classroom involving technology.  One of the discussion tools that I decided to use was Poll Everywhere.  I love making review games for my students.  Typically, I create games using Powerpoint or an already made template that I find online.  Students then answer the questions using a white board or ActivVote.  However, Poll Everywhere is so quick and easy to use.  Plus, I think kids would be more engaged because they would be able to use their cell phones in the classroom.  I created a simple poll, but I could easily create more polls to make a review game.

The second tool that I wanted to use was TodaysMeet.  I have used TodaysMeet before and I really liked how user-friendly it was.  I also think it is a great way to encourage all students to participate in class discussions.  I know when I was in class, I was very shy to speak in front of the class let alone voice my opinions.  I made a sample class discussion about selective breeding using TodaysMeet.  

So I forgot to post a picture of another important person at NHS.  His name is Quinton Freeman.  He is one of the nicest persons I have ever met!  Thank you for helping me get through my first year, Quinton!

Yes, we are very cool.  Can't you tell by our poses?


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